SSIS Cares – Join Us in COVID 19 Community Support Efforts


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    At the end of the week, news of an even tighter lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City beginning on August 23 was announced. The impact on those in need is even greater than before.

    SSIS was founded in part on the belief that we dedicate ourselves to serving others and that we help when we can. These days, those values are being put to the test. Many in our community, in our city, are struggling. Millions have lost their livelihoods, and a growing number of people do not know where their next meal will come from.

    SSIS wants to help, and I would like to invite you to join us.

    SSIS is partnering with the local charity From Saigon to Saigon to provide 400 “care bags” filled with rice, oil, and other basic staples for families throughout the city. Each bag costs 500,000 VND so to reach our goal, we aim to raise a minimum of 200 million VND by September 5. 

    This document contains all of the information on how to contribute:  

    Make a Donation (click here for details)

    We will report back to the community once the donations have been made to share exactly how From Saigon to Saigon put the funds to use. 

    Even if you’re only able to give a little, together, our contributions will help a lot and will make such a difference in the lives of those who need it most right now.

    You will hear your children speak about SSIS Cares next week as they begin working with their homerooms and advisories in a variety of ways to help support this cause. 

    Given how many members of our community are already helping and how many others have been looking for ways to help and contribute, I do not doubt that we will reach our goal and likely even exceed it. 

    If you prefer to arrange donations of food items or other basic necessities directly to From Saigon to Saigon, you may contact Ms. Ha from SSIS, who will coordinate those donations (

    This difficult time will eventually pass, but until then, we will be guided by our founding principles of working together as a community to help others in need.

    Thank you in advance for your support. 

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School