Head of School Update, September 13: Virtual School Survey Results


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    Things are certainly feeling more optimistic as the government begins to speak of plans of possible reopening. Although a reopening day for schools may take some time yet, it brings me great joy to think of our students back on campus one day. In the meantime, we aim to provide the best possible Virtual School experience possible.

    Today, I would like to share the results of the Virtual School survey that we sent out on August 27. We had over 400 responses (414), and I’m very grateful to each of you who took the time to provide us with your feedback. 

    We will be sending these surveys every two weeks for as long as we are in Virtual School. The results allow us to gauge how we are meeting our students’ needs and ensure that we maintain the highest-quality instruction and learning experience possible. 

    Virtual School Survey Results 

    Below you will find the key findings from the survey of August 27. Two main items we set out to measure were whether or not you believe that we are providing a high-quality program and if you feel that we are providing sufficient information about Virtual School. 

    After the key findings, you will find responses to a few overarching themes found among parent comments.

    Overall Satisfaction with Virtual School

    Naturally, one of our greatest concerns is whether or not the learning experiences that your child has are of high quality. The majority of parents across all divisions agreed that the quality of their child’s learning experiences is high. 

    Communication During Virtual School

    The survey responses show that although a few parents feel that they want more information, overall, most parents are satisfied with the amount of communication they have received about our SSIS Virtual School Program. 

    Interaction During Virtual School

    The survey responses also show that most parents are satisfied with the amount of interaction with the teacher. Since this survey, I believe that parents would agree that there has been an increase in the amount of information and communication from interactions with the teacher in all three divisions. We will measure this again in the next survey.

    Comments from Parents

    We are grateful for the many comments, ideas, and suggestions that some of you shared in our survey. They allow us to gain an even broader perspective. 

    We found a few recurring themes of note among the parent comments that I would like to address. These included reading and EAL support, understanding consolidation Wednesdays in MS and HS, and activities for students in the ES.

    • Use of the consolidation day time in MS and HS – The purpose of the consolidation day is, in part, to build community and connectedness through our assemblies, as well as allow time for students to schedule time with teachers for individualized support and enrichment, and for students to join in small group work with classmates. During our Parent Education session this coming Wednesday, September 15, at 10:00 am, you will hear our counselors speak more about this.
    • More ways to activate ES students – In direct response to feedback from parents, ES has launched Dragon’s Club,” a brand new program to keep students moving, laughing, and engaged with friends during their break time. If you’ve missed the Dragon’s Club information and schedule, please check your email or contact Ms. Thuy in the ES office (esoffice@ssis.edu.vn). Dragon’s Club is free of charge and open to all ES students.

    We recognize that many parents of older children also want more physical activity during Virtual School. We are exploring ways to increase After School Activities (ASA) opportunities with our staff and external providers. We are also working with our coaches to develop training opportunities for teams.

    As with all of the opportunities we offer your children, we are grateful for your support in encouraging them to take advantage of them. This week, for example, High School students are invited to attend the “Greater Bangkok University Fair,” which will take place in the evenings. At the virtual fair, they will be able to meet with representatives from 200 universities! What a great opportunity for our students.

    The Foundation of a Strong Program is a Strong Partnership 

    In closing, I would like to reiterate that surveys, polls, and opportunities such as my weekly “Conversations with Head of School” are integral to the success of our programs. We need to hear from you, and we want to hear from you. A strong partnership between a school and its parents means better programs and the very best education possible for its students. 

    Conversation with Head of School in VN, KR, CH

    To facilitate our communication and strengthen our partnership, I will be holding my “Conversation with Head of School” in Vietnamese on September 17, Korean on September 24, and Chinese on October 1. As with all of my Friday sessions, the sessions will be limited to 20 participants, and we will send out invitations to sign-up two days in advance.

    Please know that we are continuously working to provide your child with the very highest-quality learning experiences. The quality of our programs relies on getting feedback from you, our parents, and I thank you for the high value you place on our partnership. 

    All good wishes,


    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School