Presentation: Annual Report & Student Achievement Data with Head of School, November 18, 8:15 am


Dear SSIS Parents,

On Thursday, November 18 at 8:15 am, I invite all parents to attend a presentation of our annual report and the results of SSIS student achievement data. 

Together with our Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning, David Chadwell, and Director of High School Counseling and University Guidance Kelly Braun, I will share the results of our students’ achievements. You will learn how SSIS students compare to the US, World, and National averages on standardized tests, and the phenomenal results our students’ attained in their 2021 college acceptances. 

In this form, you may send us questions about achievement, university acceptances, or standardized tests that you would like us to address during the session. 

We value your partnership and hope you will join us in celebrating our students’ success and achievements during the presentation next Thursday, November 18.

All good wishes,

Dr. Catriona Moran
Head of School