Update & Reminder: No School, Thursday, November 11 & Friday, November 12



    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    I hope that you are staying safe while enjoying the relaxed restrictions. We are excited to be able to begin welcoming teachers to campus. For many of our new teachers, it is the first time to set foot at school. 

    Although we do not yet have a date for students’ return to campus, we are already busy preparing to welcome them back.

    To limit disruptions to our students when they can return to campus, we have made a small calendar change that I’d like to share with you today.

    Please note that this change will not impact the number of instructional days for students.

    No School, Thursday, November 11 & Friday, November 12

    When the school year starts on campus, teachers spend many days preparing the physical spaces before students’ first day. As we began our year virtually, teachers have not yet prepared their classroom to welcome your children back. 

    Thursday, November 11, has been changed to a professional development day for teachers (a professional day for teachers in March will become an instructional day, instead).

    As Friday, November 12, is already a professional development day, we are taking advantage of having our teachers on campus, facilitating student transitions when the time comes.

    There will be no classes for students on November 11 and 12, and faculty will use these days for team and facility preparations.

    We are pleased to provide a solution that causes no impact on students’ instructional days and lessens any potential disruptions. 

    If you have any questions about this change or our calendar days in general, please do not hesitate to contact me (dchadwell@ssis.edu.vn).

    Kind regards

    David Chadwell
    Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning