Information Regarding Star Assessment for KG – G12


    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    I hope that the school year is off to an excellent start for your children. Our teachers are enjoying getting to know them and establishing positive learning environments. 

    Part of getting to know students is to understand their current skills and readiness for learning. One way to do that is through a common and standardized assessment.  

    This week, we will begin administering the “Star Assessment” to assess KG – G12 students’ Reading and Math skills. High School and Middle School students will be taking the assessment first. Elementary students will take the assessment later this month..

    What is the Star Assessment?

    The Star Assessment is a short adaptive test to help teachers understand a student’s needs and strengths.

    Teachers use the results from the Star Assessment to determine what your child knows and what they are ready to learn next. 

    This assessment is not an achievement test and is not a part of your child’s classroom grade. Students will take the assessment online.

    The overall results will be shared with parents later this Fall.

    How You Can Help Your Child

    Explain to your child that this is not a “pass” or “fail” test. The Star Assessment is a way for your child’s teacher to understand how to best support their learning.

    The only preparations you’ll need to make for the Star Assessment are to: 

    1. Provide a quiet, comfortable environment without distractions for your child to take the test 
    2. Make sure your child is well-rested.
    3. And, as always, ensure your child is eating healthy to keep their mind active and strong.

    Thank you for your continued support as we work together to ensure the best education for your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions (


    David Chadwell
    Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning