Career Day Guest Speakers Wanted – Support and Inspire Our Students


Dear SSIS Parents,

We are extremely excited to be organizing our first Career Day for students in more than 3 years. The two-hour Career Day event will be held on January 19, from 9 – 11 am.

Please consider signing up and sharing your personal career journey and unique perspectives on professional life. It can make an incredible difference in our students’ lives!

Why Career Day?

As adults, we forget how daunting it can be for young people to think about their future lives as professionals. At their age, they may not even know where to begin or who to ask.

Career Day gives students the opportunity to hear your personal career journeys as business leaders and professionals. Your unique experiences and the valuable perspectives you can provide have the power to inspire and influence our students as they consider their futures. 

The Career Day Format

We appreciate how busy you are, that is why have developed a Career Day format that is as simple as possible for our guest speakers. 

Upon sign-up, you will receive a slides template that you may use for your brief (5-10 min) presentation. The online presentations will be held in a group setting with two other guest speakers and a moderator for the Q&A portion.  

Your 1 or 2-hour commitment can have a lifelong impact on a young person’s life. 

If you’re interested in registering to become a Career Day guest speaker, please use this Career Day Guest Speaker form. After registration, you’ll receive an email from one of our wonderful student interns with more details. 

We hope that you will be able to join us on Career Day!


HS Counseling Team