Update: People’s Committee Instructs Schools to Pilot Reopening for G1, 9 and 12 in December


    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    This week, the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee issued a directive instructing schools to prepare a pilot program to reopen schools for grades 1, 9, and 12, beginning December 13. 

    Individual Choice for Families of Grades 1, 9 and 12

    Before I provide you with more details, I want to assure the families of children in grades 1, 9, and 12 that you will NOT be required to send your children to campus on December 13, if you choose not to. The choice to come on campus must be an individual choice made by each family. Teaching and learning will continue uninterrupted in the hybrid/concurrent model (online and physical school). No child will miss out regardless of what their family chooses. 

    For students in grades 1, 9, and 12 who wish to come to campus, December 13 – 16, it will be an opportunity to experience school in the physical/hybrid environment and connect with classmates and teachers. 

    Please note that the decision about what grades are included in the pilot program, i.e. grades 1, 9, and 12, has been made by the government. According to the current directives, we will not be allowed to bring any other grade levels to campus before the winter holiday.

    We know that parents and students of  these three grades will have lots of questions. We will provide further information and guidance before any children come on campus. In addition, the Department of Education and Training (DOET) will conduct an inspection before we are allowed to open campus for students, and we anticipate that we will meet necessary health and safety measures.

    Experiencing School on Campus

    As other schools around the world have experienced, reopening school in today’s world is complex. We may need to adjust and modify our practices as conditions change, but I am confident that together, we will persevere and continue to demonstrate the ability to adapt. 

    This is a valuable opportunity for our community to conduct a small-scale and controlled simulation of what school will be like once we are allowed to welcome all students back. The pilot program is an important step in ensuring that we are ready to reopen for all students after the holiday whether in the virtual or physical environment. At that time it will also be the family’s individual choice whether or not to send their child to campus. 

    Preparing for a January Reopening 

    Although we do not yet know how and when we will be able to welcome back students in January, we are committed to allowing all students back to campus as soon as we are allowed.

    In bringing students back, we will follow all government mandates and directives. And we will continue virtual learning for those students who are unable to come to campus or choose to continue learning virtually. 

    I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. I eagerly anticipate the day when your child comes through our turnstiles again. 

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School