Update: Welcoming G9 and G12 Next Week


    Dear SSIS Parents,

     I am delighted to share that we passed the Department of Education and Training’s (DOET) inspection this morning. We couldn’t be more excited to begin welcoming G9 and G12 students back to campus next week. Grade 1 students will remain at home, as the government has determined that the younger children of Ho Chi Minh City should continue learning online. 

    As we welcome Grade 9 and Grade 12 students back, December 13-16, please know that sending children back to physical school is, and will remain, an individual choice made by each family. For students who do not attend school on campus, learning will be facilitated with our hybrid/concurrent model, where teaching and learning are conducted online and in physical school simultaneously.   

    Families who send their children to campus agree to follow all of the health and safety protocols outlined in these videos and as presented by the Health Office Manager, Lisa Chute. 

    So that parents of students in grades 9 and 12 fully understand our health and safety measures we will host a Q & A regarding return-to-campus on Sunday evening, December 12 at 6:00 pm. Our grade 9 and 12 parents will receive a separate email with further details. We hope to see many of you there, and we will be sure to share the meeting information with those unable to attend.

    For all other parents, please rest assured that teaching and learning will continue uninterrupted for your children in Virtual School.   

    I very much look forward to welcoming our grades 9 and 12 students as they come through the turnstiles on Monday. In the meantime, I wish you all a very healthy and happy weekend.  

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran