The Importance of Being Prepared


    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    What an incredible first week of Semester 2. Although we still await official confirmation of the exact date when students in EC – grade 6 will return to campus, if this week is any measure, we will be ready! 

    There was a lot of excitement on campus this week as more than 98% of all eligible HCMC-based students in grades 7 – 12 returned to in-person learning. For some, it was the very first time they set foot on our campus. As expected, our teachers, counselors, and advisors did a wonderful job of supporting students as they transitioned back to physical school, and also continued to support the handful of students who are outside of HCMC and are attending school virtually.

    Campus Preparedness

    We understand that families may have health and safety concerns as more students begin to attend school on campus, and we take these matters very seriously. This morning, we conducted a drill and simulation of what happens if there is an F0 on campus. During the drill we reviewed our protocols carefully along each step of the way, to ensure that we are prepared in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of Covid during the school day. 

    For the Benefit of Our Students

    As part of grade 7 – 12 students’ on-campus orientation this week, students toured the school and were thrilled to see the newly upgraded fitness center in the high school building. 

    Many students marveled at the size and finishes of the new pool locker rooms, one student exclaiming “It’s amazing, so luxurious. And the lockers are twice as big!” We are certainly pleased that we can continue upgrading our facilities and enhancing programs for the benefit of our students.  

    Next week’s Career Day for high school students promises to be another great benefit to our students, and I want to thank the nearly 40 parents and community members who are taking the time to share their unique insights and experiences. The value of your contributions cannot be overstated, as they provide a window into future possibilities for our students and broaden their horizons. Later this semester we hope to further expand that horizon, as we reach out to our community to seek internships for our students.

    As you can see, our second semester is off to a flying start. I look forward to sharing more news with you of our students’ accomplishments as they avail themselves of the opportunities that SSIS provides.

    All best wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School