Living our core values – more important than ever


    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    During what has been a particularly difficult week, I wanted to thank you today for your support, patience and understanding.

    There is no doubt that during hard times, one’s true character is revealed, and this week, we have witnessed a community that has come together to support one another. 

    Since last week, we’ve also been made acutely aware of how fortunate we are. Fortunate to have our school, our homes, our families. Several people in our own community, both among our faculty and our families, have been directly impacted in one way or another by what is happening in Ukraine. And many in our community have reached out with words and gestures of support for those who are impacted. 

    Tomorrow, SSIS will host the SEASAC Model United Nations Conference for the very first time. Due to the pandemic, it will be hosted online, and we are so grateful that this forum exists. In a world strife with challenges, the skills our students are building in programs like these will open avenues of communication and have the power to impact positive lasting change.

    So, when your child attends school next week – whether it be online or on campus, remind them why the core values that have brought us all to SSIS matter so much. And remember that every day we live our core values, we work actively to fufill the important mission of our founders – to live purposefully as a global citizen. 

    I wish you all a safe, healthy, and fulfilling weekend with your families. Thank you all for being such supportive community members. I am proud to belong to this SSIS community. 


    All good wishes, 

    Dr. Catriona Moran