(G9 – 12) Week Without Walls: Update 1


Below, please find the first WWW update from each grade.

Grade 9

Our Grade 9 students arrived safely in Quy Nhon yesterday evening. After check-in to their dorms and relaxing after a long day’s journey, students connected with one another via guided team-building sessions and a wonderful campfire and sunset, before heading off to bed. This morning, everyone participated in a fantastic mindfulness session before breakfast and the day’s activities. Unfortunately, due to Typhoon Noru’s trajectory, grade 9 students will be returning to HCMC this evening. However, they will continue their team-building activities closer to home and on campus.

Grade 10

Our Grade 10 students departed in the very early hours of this morning on their journey towards Ninh Binh and Cuc Phuong. Everyone made it safely to the airport and as you can see, there was great excitement! We expect that they will all enjoy a good night’s rest at the resort later this evening.

Grade 11

Grade 11 began their week of bonding, ownership of learning, and dedication to service this morning on campus engaging in student-led sessions surrounding a variety of topics (baking, crochet, candle-making, exercise, sports, and even dancing!). They also had sessions with Mr. Tuck & Ms. Finlay on how to form healthy habits and Dr. Long on what it means to engage in meaningful community service, and how to make the most of their Ho Tram experience.

Grade 12

The Senior class began their work and academic play on campus this week. Students were organized by advisories in their relationship-building activities in the morning. Later they prepared for their unique interdisciplinary science project tomorrow. They will also spend time exploring their university options for the future.