(G9-12) Week Without Walls, Update 2


Below, please find the first WWW update from each grade.

Grade 9

Returning home safely late last night, Grade 9 students spent the day resting, reading, and preparing for the activities planned for the rest of the week. We want to commend them on the great spirit and the attitude they have shown, despite the disappointment and premature department from Quy Nhon due to Typhoon Noru. They will continue with team-building activities this week. Here are a few more photos from yesterday’s activities before students returned to HCMC.

Grade 10

Our Grade 10 students enjoyed their day in Ninh Binh yesterday, beginning with an evening of team building and sightseeing. A boat tour and scavenger hunt around the old capital of Trang An were both great ways to ease into the trip and get a taste of the local culture. Students and faculty have been busy today, too, and we will share pictures from their day in the next update!

Grade 11

The Grade 11 class had a great day yesterday participating in a number of sessions run by SSIS faculty and students. Today students continued learning from each other about a variety of topics including drums, semaphore, and Word Play. Students celebrated their book drive, preparing the boxes for transport to Ho Tram, and thank the community for their generosity. They also attended the grade 12 interdisciplinary science presentations. Tomorrow grade 11 heads to Ho Tram, they are excited about the valuable service opportunity ahead.

Grade 12

The Senior class continued their week of dedication to Academic Excellence and Sense of Self as they engaged in a unique interdisciplinary science project, presented to the grade 11 students and other faculty members, reporting and defending their research and findings.