(G9–12) Semester 1 Assessments Begin Friday, December 9

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Dear Parents or Guardians of High School Students,

As a reminder, Semester 1 assessments begin this Friday, December 9 and run through December 15. Please note there will not be classes on Thursday, December 15 as it is reserved for make-up assessments.

From December 9 – 15, students will follow the special assessment schedule below, as previously shared. The expectation is that students attend each day of the schedule and all of their classes.  

From December 9 – 15, students will follow the special assessment schedule below, as previously shared. The expectation is that students attend each day of the schedule and all of their classes.  

This schedule was developed to ensure:

  • Students have no more than two assessments a day 
  • Students have end-of-semester activities, projects, or assessments spread over four days  

Additional support during this time: 

  • No homework will be assigned from December 9-15. Students should use this time to study and prepare for assessments 
  • Students may leave campus early when they have Study Hall during last block
  • No mandatory After School Activities will run during the semester assessment schedule (Dec 9-15) 

For students to be as successful as possible on their semester 1 assessments, they must:

  • Be on time and in attendance for all of their classes. Note: If a student is sick, they must provide a doctor’s note to be eligible for the make-up assessment.
  • Be in uniform (SSIS collared shirt, sweatshirt or sweater and shorts, skort or skirt)
  • Practice academic integrity (see guidelines in our HS Handbook, pp. 32-36)

After December 15, students will be given time during a facilitated reflection to think about their performance. During this process, they will receive help to establish individual goals for the upcoming winter holiday and second semester.  

Our students have worked hard this semester and met with great success. I am confident that they will make the most of the upcoming assessments to demonstrate all that they’ve learned, and finish the semester strong.

Please feel free to reach out to me or Mr. McGartlin, HS Associate Principal, with any questions about the upcoming assessments.


Ms. Jennifer Mendes
High School Principal