Virtual School Practice Session, Friday, September 18, 9:30 am


This Friday, September 18, from 9:30 – 10:00 am, we will have a practice Virtual School connection session, as explained in Dr. Moran’s letter from last week.

The practice connection session will help us test our systems so that we can make any necessary adjustments to ensure everyone is ready if we are required to transition to Virtual School.

During the session, teachers will connect online with each student or with the parents for certain grade-levels. 

What You Should Do

We strongly encourage all students and families to participate in this practice session. Although we do not anticipate going to Virtual School, consider this a “drill,” the same way we do fire drills – so that we know what to do, if it happens.

Your child’s teacher will send you information about how to connect for this Friday’s Virtual School “drill.”

How Else You Should Prepare

Our Virtual School Parent Guide will let you familiarize yourself with our new comprehensive Virtual School program. Please read it carefully, so that your family is well-prepared if we are required by the government to move to Virtual School.

In the next coming week, you will receive “Virtual School: A Guide for Parents of Elementary School Students,” which will provide additional details specific to the elementary Virtual School program.

As always, I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

All best wishes,

Daniel J. Keller, PhD

Elementary School Principal