(G9-12) Fall 2022 HS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

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Dear High School Parents or Guardians,

The high school teachers and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October 14. Parent-student-teacher conferences are an essential part of your child’s development and success at SSIS. Please read this letter carefully as it includes information about the sign-up process.

During each conference, the teachers will talk with you and your child about your child’s academic progress, identifying areas they can focus on as well as goals and next steps for improvement before the end of the semester.

Our high school counseling team has also prepared informational sessions that will take place at specific times in the schedule (see below). If you would like to learn more about the work our counselors are doing to support our families, please sign up to attend one of these sessions in addition to your conferences with teachers.

High School Conference Schedule

Individual Conferences with Teachers
Thursday, October 13     11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday, October 14          9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Counseling Department Informational Sessions
Thursday, October 13

    • 4:00 pm: How Can Parents Support Their High School Students?
    • 5:30 pm University Admissions Guidance and Q&A

Friday, October 14

    • 10:00 am: How Can Parents Support Their High School Students?
    • 2:00 pm: University Admissions Guidance and Q&A

How Do Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Work?

  • Parents will schedule a specific time slot with each of your child’s teachers.
  • Parents and students attend the conferences together. Each conference will last 7 minutes. Please be on time. You will then have 3 minutes to transition to your next conference.
  • Conferences will take place in the high school classrooms.

How Do I Schedule Conferences?

Conferences are scheduled through SchoolsBuddy. You can find detailed instructions on how to schedule your conferences in SchoolsBuddy on SSIS Link. Be sure to follow the steps all the way to the end. If done correctly, you will receive a confirmation email with your appointments soon after pressing “book” in the final step.

Please note that you will not be able to schedule your conferences unless you have created and activated your SchoolsBuddy account. If you do not recall your SchoolsBuddy login information or if you do not yet have a SchoolsBuddy account, please contact our ICT department (ict@ssis.edu.vn) for help.

When Do Sign-Ups Open?

Registration for the conferences opens on Thursday, September 29 at 9:00 am. Please note that conferences are booked on a first come, first served basis, so we encourage you to schedule your appointments at your earliest convenience. Sign ups will close on Wednesday, October 12 at 12:00 pm. If you wait until the deadline or after the deadline to sign up, it may be difficult for you to schedule your conferences.

We look forward to meeting with you and your child to discuss your child’s learning.

All my very best,

Ms. Jennifer Mendes
High School Principal