Students off on Monday (September 7)


Dear Parents –

A reminder that all SSIS students have the day off on Monday, 07 September 2015. No classes will be held at SSIS that day.

Our school year follows a very standard 180 day calendar for student instruction. Our two semesters are divided as evenly as we can, whilst still using the December holidays as the dividing point.

Our teachers follow a 190 day calendar, with the additional ten days devoted to professional development. This weekend, fifty-two teachers from SSIS and other internaIMG_5317tional schools are participating in a two-day seminar on transforming the classroom with various models of technology integration led by Kim Cofino. On Monday, Ms. Confino will continue for a third day, working exclusively with all SSIS teachers on leveraging technology for assessments. This is in line with a major focus we have chosen for our teacher professional development this year on improving assessments, both formative and summative, for student learning and growth.

I hope your children have a relaxing day off on Monday with a bit of studying to get ready for Tuesday classes. Their teachers will be hard at work all day, improving their own learning so as to be even more effective in the classroom.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Sylte, Head of School