Fence separating construction-related activity zones


    Dear SSIS Community,

    During the weekend, the school contractor, Sino-Pacific Construction Consulting Co. Ltd. (SPCC), began the construction of the fence to separate construction-related activity zones from the rest of campus.  The fence will allow the proper separation between students and construction workers and activities. The in-progress fence is currently visible at the rear perimeter of the bicycle and motorbike parking area.  No construction will take place until this fence is completed.

    Construction workers are approved workers from SPCC.  SPCC has been responsible for construction at SSIS previously and the company is well aware that the safety and well-being of our students is the school’s main priority.

    A School Safety/Risk Management Committee (comprised of administrators, teachers, and security) will oversee all areas of the school for the duration of construction. However, if any any time, you have questions or concerns, we urge you to contact Facilities Manager, Chris Beanes (cbeanes@ssis.edu.vn) who will respond immediately.

    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.