How to Find and Use the New Athletics Page


Where to Find Athletics

Viewing Athletics information is now easier than ever. From this Athletics season, we have incorporated all athletics information on the new Athletics page ( on the SSIS website

What is on the Athletics page?

On the Athletics page, parents are able to:

  • Access information by division, ie ES, MS and HS
  • Find contact information to their children’s coaches
  • See team practice times
  • See the schedules and locations for upcoming games

Accessing Team Information

To see how to access team information, read the detailed captions from the Athletics page and sub-pages, or watch the video above.

The Athletics page is found under “Student Life” in the main menu.
Below the header on the Athletics page, you will find teams sorted by division.
In the Division page teams are listed by season.
The team page displays all games and their dates.
The pop up displays detailed information about the game.

We hope that this new resource will be helpful to our community, as we work toward simplifying the way we communicate with our parent population.