Head of School Letter: Happy Holiday News – Construction Update!


    I am delighted to be able to share some very exciting news with you before we all head off for winter break.

    On Saturday, December 14, Construction Phase 1, the enhancement of our children’s learning environments, will begin. 

    The new custom-built environments will include six new classrooms and a common space for the Elementary school, three new classrooms and a common space for the Middle School and two new classrooms for the High school division. I’m very excited, as these additions will allow us to provide your children with even more opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. 

    Before you return to school on Tuesday, January 7, you will receive additional information about the special measures we have taken to ensure the safety of our children, and our community during Construction Phase 1. I encourage you to take the time to read it.

    As we enter into Construction Phase 1, I thank you for your patience and understanding during this exciting time in the school’s evolution. You and your children, along with our dedicated faculty and staff, each make SSIS the wonderful community it is.  

    Should you have any questions or concerns at this time, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m committed to making this as smooth of a process as possible for our community. 

    I wish you all happy holidays and relaxing winter break with friends and family.

    All best wishes,
