The SSIS Strategic Planning Process Continues


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    This week, the work with the new strategic plan continued as we invited more than 60 community stakeholders to a half-day of on-campus workshops and observations, “Data in a Day.” I’m very excited to tell you more about it.

    However, before I do that, I want to reassure you that SSIS is on heightened alert today due to yesterday’s announcement of new COVID-19 cases in the Ho Chi Minh City area. We remain confident in our health and safety protocols and the local authorities whom we know to take swift and decisive action. The most recent MOET Directive 4018/GDDT-VP reminds all educational institutions to remain diligent in adhering to health and safety protocols. We will continue to follow our strict SSIS guidelines. 

    SSIS is privileged to be able to look to the future, despite the challenges presented by COVID-19. I am humbled to serve as Head of School in a country and a community in this unique and fortunate position.

    During Monday’s “Data in a Day,” fifteen groups of 4 – 5 people gathered information related to the SSIS Mission Statement as they observed how students experience “a purposeful life as a global citizen” on our campus.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank the community members, which included students from each division, parents, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni, who took time from their Monday to conduct the observations and share their candid feedback.

    “I was impressed with how one MS Math teacher used vivid storytelling to get students engaged in a lively discussion about negative numbers,” said one parent.

    All of the observations collected will inform our Board Chair, Gayle Tsien, and the strategic planning committee in developing the “Profile of a Graduate of 2030” and our vision for the next decade: Vision 2030. It will articulate the people, places, and programs that will best prepare our students for the world of tomorrow. Dr. Teresa Arpin, president of Transformation Systems, is our facilitator in the strategic planning process.

    I look forward to sharing more of this exciting work with you as we continue to grow and develop the best opportunities for your children.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School