Coffee with Dr. Moran, & Community Survey March 2021


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    As a school, SSIS is so fortunate to have a parent community that recognizes how important it is that we hear from them, and is willing to share opinions, recommendations, and feedback with us. The feedback we receive is an essential part of your child’s success.

    In part, your input helps to inform the direction of the school. As an example, parent voices are serving as a critical component of the program that will lead your children into the future, our new strategic plan, “SSIS Vision 2030.” 

    Today, I ask that you, once again, provide us with your invaluable feedback.

    On-Campus, “Coffee with Dr. Moran,” March 23 & 25

    Next week, I invite you to attend “Coffee with Dr. Moran,” which will be held on campus in each of our major language groups. I am always grateful for the opportunity to meet with you in person and to be able to address your questions and feedback directly. 

    Please register for the session that suits you best. You may also use the same link to submit specific questions that you would like me to address. I will do my best to answer them during our session. 

    • English Tuesday, March 23, 8:30 – 10:00 am in the Auditorium
    • Tiếng Việt Tuesday, March 23, 1:00 – 2:30 pm in the Auditorium
    • 한국어  Thursday, March 25, 8:30 – 10:00 am in the Auditorium
    • 中文 Thursday, March 25, 1:00 – 2:30 pm in MPR 2

    REGISTRATION FOR “COFFEE WITH DR. MORAN” (Closing Monday, March 22 at 3 pm)

    If you have questions or feedback for me but cannot attend “Coffee with Dr. Moran,” I welcome you to make an appointment with me. Please contact my assistant, Ms. Oanh (, to do so. 

    Annual Community Survey

    Our Annual Community Survey is another essential part of informing the school’s strategic direction and developing new programs. It only takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and its impact cannot be overstated. 

    The survey results, which are shared with the community, ensure that we continue to meet the expectations that you have for your child’s intellectual and personal development as we prepare them for purposeful lives as global citizens.

    To make it more convenient for you to share your candid insights, we invite you to complete the survey in one of four languages: English, Vietnamese, Korean, or Mandarin.

    As always, I want to thank you for your support and engagement in our SSIS community as we continue to provide your children with the opportunities they will need to lead and succeed as global citizens.


    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School