Semester One Assessment Week: December 6 – 10


Dear Parents of High School Students,

What a great first quarter your children have had! I am impressed with the work that they are doing, and how they continue to excel, exhibiting a strong sense of resilience as they meet challenges head-on. We look forward to having them back on campus and we hope that the recent student vaccinations mean that we will soon be seeing them.

As we are now in the second quarter of the school year, I would like to share with you the schedule for our Semester One: Assessment Week, December 6 – 10.

Semester One: Assessment Week, December 6 – 10

The assessment week has been specially designed to fit the virtual learning environment and will follow the virtual learning schedule. This will allow us to maximize our time for teaching and learning.

Our teachers continue to provide in an ongoing way high-quality instruction for all courses.  Our students continue to actively engage in the learning by attending all of their classes and Advisory as well as completing and submitting all assigned work.  These positive habits lend themselves to our students’ continued success and a very strong finish to semester one.  Additionally, teachers are preparing consolidation and review activities at the end of this semester and before semester one assessments to ensure both a strong finish to this semester and a solid foundation upon which to build in semester two.     

Please find here below our Semester One: Assessment Week Schedule, December 6 – 10.  You can help your child by talking through the schedule and ensuring they have a plan to review and prepare.  We all want our students to feel comfortable and confident as they move into the end of the semester and semester one assessment week.    

Last Week of Semester One, December 13-16

The last week of Semester One is extremely important because the learning continues after assessment week. Students will review their performance on Semester One Assessments and establish goals for their learning in the next semester. 

As customary, we will bring the end of the year to a close with some fun community-building events organized by our Student Council on Thursday, December 16.  

We look forward to supporting all of our students through the remainder of Semester One so they meet with the greatest degree of success possible.  Thank you for your support at home.  Our students are meeting with success in part due to your support.  

All my very best,

Ms. Jennifer Mendes
High School Principal