Preparing for Reopening Campus


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    This weekend, we were delighted that nearly 400 middle and high school students received their second, and in some cases, first COVID vaccine on our campus. We are so pleased that this momentous occasion could be held at our school! It was indeed a joyous event to see so many students and families in person and to be one step closer to a re-opening of school.

    As we now eagerly await directives from the Vietnamese government for when we will be allowed to reopen campus to students, I would like to update you on key points of our planning process.

    At this time, it is unlikely that our campus will reopen before mid-December. Should we be allowed to open at that time, we anticipate that it will be for students in grades 9 and 12, as the government prioritizes these grade levels due to Vietnamese national exam schedules. We will take every opportunity to welcome any students that are allowed, even if just for one day of orientation, before we head off for the Winter Holiday on December 17.

    Preparing for Reopening Campus in January

    We are currently making plans for a staggered return of students starting on January 11. Of course, we will monitor news of any developments regarding the new Omicron variant and make adjustments to our plans accordingly.

    Until we are allowed to reopen, teaching and learning will continue for all students in the Virtual School environment.

    Before any students can return to study on campus, SSIS will have to fulfill a set of ten criteria outlined by the DoET (Directive 3588-QD-BCD). Although we do not yet know when their inspection will happen, we will be ready.

    In addition, the overarching Decision 3900/QD-UBND for Ho Chi Minh City’s measures for safe adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic will contribute to when and how schools in our district are allowed to reopen.

    For students, we will follow the vaccination guidelines and requirements as directed by the Vietnamese government. All faculty and staff are already required to be fully vaccinated to teach and work at school.

    Survey: Reopening – Your Plans for Your Child

    Next week, you will receive a “Return to Campus” survey. We kindly ask that you take the time to respond. Your feedback will be of great value for our planning purposes to know which families will send their children to campus when we reopen.

    As we plan for campus reopening, your children’s health and safety, both physical and emotional, are at the forefront of our scenario planning. We understand that this will be an adjustment, and we value our continued partnership with you, our parents, in ensuring the highest-quality learning experiences for your child.

    Should you have any questions or concerns, I encourage you to contact me.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School