[G9] Week Without Walls: Trip Information

HS eNews Cover

Update: Here is the G9 Week Without Walls presentation.

Dear Grade 9 Students and Parents,

We are thrilled to bring back Week Without Walls (WWW) this year. Through WWW, our goal is to build community and reinforce our commitment to the SSIS Core Values. 

In preparation for WWW, we require two things from you: 

  • read through the information below
  • complete the WWW Permission Slip 

In this message you will find the following important information:

  • Trip information: overview, flight itinerary, packing list 
  • Emergency contacts 
  • Rules and regulations for students while on the trip

WWW Trip Information:

On August 30, during Curriculum Night, you will receive further details about the trip such as curricular connections, safety protocols, and packing list items.

Trip Overview – Quy Nhon

WWW is an excellent way for students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their lessons to real-life situations. In particular, this trip will provide students the opportunity to live out and connect to our Core Values of Sense of Self, Balance in Life, Respect for All, and Dedicated Service as they relate to an understanding of wellness, sustainability and culture here in Vietnam. 

The week also allows students to build team/cohort spirit with their grade level and to ensure positive relationships among students. As WWW is an extension of the school program, all expectations required at school are in place off-campus as well.  This information packet is meant to clarify these expectations and provide trip-planning details. Please read each section of this letter carefully and complete and return forms as required.

NOTE: Exact travel itinerary and permission form has been shared via email.

Packing List:

The complete packing list will be provided during Curriculum Night on August 30.  The packing list will be shared again on August 31 with students during Advisory and parents in an email.  

Students will not need to bring their computers or iPads.  

Students will need very little cash in VND to cover snacks from time to time.   

All expenses, including meals, are prepaid and covered by the WWW fee.

Communication – Emergency Contact Information:

Ms. Huyen, HS Office, hsoffice@ssis.edu.vn, 08 5413 0901 Ext. 33050

  • Please contact Ms. Huyen if you need to send a message to your child.  She will be able to quickly reach your child’s trip leader in the event of an emergency.

Mr. Chad McGartlin, HS Associate Principal, cmcgartlin@ssis.edu.vn

Mrs. Jennifer Mendes, HS Principal, hsprincipal@ssis.edu.vn

Our Expectations of Students for Behavior and Conduct:

All students will:

  • Complete and hand in necessary forms and documentation on time.
  • Wear the SSIS HOUSE shirt (colored t-shirt) on travel days (first and last day).
  • Actively participate in all activities.
  • Dress appropriately; SSIS dress code applies, including swimwear.
  • Act in a safe and appropriate manner at all times; SSIS conduct expectations, as stated in the HS Handbook, apply.
  • Use English when speaking with each other.
  • Respect the SSIS leaders and local guides and follow their instructions.
  • Use electronic equipment as agreed upon with your trip leaders.
  • Be respectful of the local environment; take only pictures and leave only footsteps.
  • Be inclusive of all students in the group in both attitude and actions.
  • Communicate clearly with chaperones about any concerns or needs that may arise.
  • Follow the curfews determined by the trip leaders and stay in designated rooms.
  • Not use, sell or be in the possession of, nor be in the proximity of those who use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs at any time.
  • See a trip leader if they need to make a long-distance phone call.
  • Adhere to the rules and regulations communicated by the trip site.
  • Comply with COVID regulations as communicated by SSIS faculty, AsiaMotions Staff, and site managers.

The following process will be used if a student does not follow the above expectations: 

  1. Students will have an opportunity to discuss their actions with the trip leader.
  2. If deemed necessary, the HS Associate Principal, HS Principal, or the Head of School will be contacted.
  3. If deemed necessary, the student’s parents/guardians will be notified and the student will be sent home early and at the student’s expense.
  4. School consequences may be applied upon return to SSIS.

We look forward to our further sharing information about WWW at the upcoming Curriculum Night on Tuesday, August 30.  

In partnership,

Mr. Chad McGartlin

High School Associate Principal