Mask-Wearing Protocols relaxed from Monday, September 12

Head of School Letter header

Dear SSIS Parents, 

Today, I would like to share how the new directive (No. 2447/QD-BYT) issued by the Ministry of Health regarding the relaxation of mask-wearing protocols will be implemented at SSIS. Based on the new directive, masks are no longer required in Level 1 areas. At this time, HCMC is a level 1 area. However, if the level designation changes, we will adapt as necessary to keep our community safe and healthy.

Beginning tomorrow, Monday, September 12, masks are optional. This means that your children will no longer be required to wear a mask at school. 

However, while masks are no longer required by law, I hope that we will all remain sensitive and respectful of everyone’s individual choice to mask or not mask. As many children have become accustomed to wearing masks over the past two years, they may need time to adjust. We encourage you to speak to your child and together decide when and if, they wish to go maskless.

For those riding the bus, please note that masks are still mandatory on public transport, so students and staff riding the school bus must wear a mask on the bus. Masks will also be required upon entering our Health Offices for individuals with flu or Covid symptoms.

In further good news, I would like to thank our PTA and the many sponsors, volunteers, student clubs, students,  families, and support staff who came together to make yesterday’s Family Fun Day such an enormous success! What a joyous opportunity to see what our wonderful community can achieve together. Go Dragons!

And lastly, as in my letter of Friday, please mark your calendars for 8:15 am on Tuesday, September 20 for the Student Achievement and Annual Report presentation. We look forward to sharing the achievements of our hard-working students with you all.

All good wishes, 

Dr. Catriona Moran

Head of School