Celebrating Growth and Community


    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    Thank you for your active participation in the Parent-Teacher Conferences. Attendance was fantastic and feedback from parents, students, and teachers has been extremely positive.  And, as we head into the Fall break, I want to take a moment to celebrate our wonderful SSIS community, and particularly the growth we’ve all experienced over the past two months. 

    It has been wonderful to see your children finding joy, encouragement, and inspiration from one another and their teachers and witnessing our students’ growth. Together, your children continue to build connections and strengthen the sense of community that we know is key to their success socially and academically.

    We know that another key to their success is ensuring they are able to grow and develop their passions through high-quality opportunities, and we are proud to continue expanding our programs and places (the new middle school and new STEAM/Design Center will open in 2024) to benefit your children’s education. In fact, this coming Monday, October 17, we will hold the Groundbreaking Ceremony with our construction company, VICONS, and additional project consultants, to mark the important milestone of the official commencement of our construction.

    Last week, I shared news of our groundbreaking and other updates with the wonderful group of SSIS alumni (pictured above) I met while in the US for a board meeting with the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE). And as they shared their own updates, I could not have been prouder. To witness their confidence, listen to them speak of pursuing their passions, and learn of the good they are doing was a true testament to our SSIS Mission and Core Values as well as the benefits of an SSIS education.

    So, as you head into a relaxing Fall break and mark the end of Quarter 1, take a moment to reflect on, and celebrate your child’s growth so far this year. With the feedback from PTCs, you, and your child, should be confident that they will make the most of Quarter 2. 

    I wish you all a peaceful and relaxing Fall break. 

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School