Head of School Letter: Construction Update


    As you return to school, you will see that our expansion is well underway. Since the first day of winter break, SPCC, our building contractors, have made noticeable progress. 


    We are all very excited about this expansion, during which time our top priority is to ensure the safety and comfort of our community while limiting the impact on our students’ educational experience. Please note that during this time we will be strictly reinforcing the NO ID, NO Entry policy. Here are the additional measures we have taken:

    • Employed an on-site SSIS Building Project Manager.
    • Construction work will not happen during the school day until after 3:30 PM.
    • Barricades (featuring student artwork) separate all construction areas. Should workers require access to the school grounds, they will be accompanied by an SSIS security guard or member of the project team.
    • A dedicated SSIS cleaning staff member has been assigned to each construction area to ensure that the surrounding areas are kept clean and safe for our children.
    • We have installed a new patrolling system, and the SSIS security team patrols each building from top to bottom, as well as the perimeter of the school grounds each night.
    • Maintenance, security, cleaning, and gardening staff have undergone additional safety training.
    • The contractors’ access to the construction site is limited to the barricaded river-facing side of the school, or via the fenced off driveway alongside the Lawrence S. Ting school.


    • Make sure that you, your children, and helpers wear SSIS IDs at all times. Our NO ID, NO ENTRY policy will be strictly enforced.
    • Report any instances for concern directly to Dr. Moran (hos@ssis.edu.vn)

    We’d like to thank each of you for your understanding and support during this construction period, as we expand our facilities to better serve our community, and our most valuable asset – your children.