Save the Date – October 13 and 14 for HS PTCs

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Dear High School Parents or Guardians,

We are pleased to invite you and your child to meet with your child’s teachers during the upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October 14. Please put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend the conferences.

Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences offer an excellent opportunity to discuss how your child is progressing so far this semester. During the conferences, you will learn about your child’s performance, strengths, and areas for improvement in each of their classes. 

The day before the conferences, on Wednesday, October 12, we will email your child’s mid-semester progress report to you. Please note that the report will show grades in progress and that these grades will not be on your child’s transcript. This means that the feedback your child will receive from teachers during the conferences will empower them to continue to improve their achievement.

We will share the sign-up process with you next week and encourage you to make appointments to meet with each of your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you at the Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October 14.


Ms. Jennifer Mendes

High School Principal