Re-enrollment 2019-2020


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    It is a privilege to serve SSIS as Head of School and I thank you for the opportunity to work with your sons and daughters as they mature into young men and women of academic excellence and outstanding character. SSIS is committed to providing excellent educational value to our parents and our students. We are very aware that our families make sacrifices to give their children the very best education, and we work hard to continually improve our educational program, teacher excellence, and appropriate facilities. Our aim is to provide world-class courses of study at every level.

    I am writing today to inform you of the tuition and fee schedule for the 2019-2020 academic school year. This new fee schedule will allow us to expand on our current programs, to offer increased opportunities for your children, to add additional personnel for student and program support, and to embark on the beginning stages of a facilities expansion project.

    We are structured on a not-for-profit model and all tuition and fees received from parents are invested in your children’s education and school facilities. Our largest expenses are the academic programs offered and the outstanding teachers and support staff we employ.

    New Professional Positions and Programs

    Like all great schools, we continue to set ambitious goals for delivering the best programs and experiences that will prepare your children for success in this ever-changing world. The 2019-2020 budget also allows us to add several critical positions that will provide for even better individualized instruction as well as additional social-emotional support to our students.   

    • An Activities Director to coordinate, expand, and develop higher quality school-wide activities programming. This will provide even more choice and opportunities to our students in After School Activities (ASAs), school-wide clubs, and activities.
    • A Middle School Dean of Students to support the Middle School with cross-divisional-transitions, advisory programs, leadership programs, and to support our students in their learning.
    • An additional Social-emotional Counselor for High School. The new high school counseling team structure (with two university guidance counselors and two social/emotional counselors) will provide an extra-ordinary level support for high school students unparalleled in any school in Vietnam and regionally.
    • Additional faculty and support staff in the Elementary School to support an additional section in Grade 1 and Grade 5 (We will be increasing enrollment at these grade levels to allow for five class sections instead of four.)
    • Additional resources to support our current Strategic Plan and numerous program improvements, including additional course offerings in the High School:

              o   AP Human Geography
              o   AP Physics 1
              o   Creative Writing/Genre Study
              o   IBDP English B
              o   IBDP Theater
              o   Advanced Automation (Computer Science)
              o   Vietnamese 10
              o   IBDP Vietnamese Literature A

    Facilities Improvement

    This budget will allow us to enhance our current facilities. We plan to construct additional classrooms in each division this summer.  These additional classrooms will allow us to accommodate the planned increase in student enrollment and the expanded offerings for 2019-2020.

    Re-Enrollment for 2019-2020

    Parents will receive a mailed letter with the Statement of Tuition and Fees for 2019-2020 along with instructions on how to complete your re-enrollment online.

    We are thrilled that inquiries and applications for enrollment at SSIS continue to be strong. Again this year, demand for space will exceed the number of spaces available in many grades. Therefore, it is vital that we know each family’s intention for next year.

    You can ensure that a seat for your child is reserved for the coming school year by paying the re-enrollment deposit and re-enrolling your child through the  PowerSchool Parent Portal before April 1, 2019. The re-enrollment fee will be credited against tuition (if paid in full) for the 2019–2020 school year or by the fourth quarter (if you choose to pay in installments).

    Should you have any questions concerning re-enrollment, please contact our Director of Admissions, Ms. Katie Rigney-Zimmermann, or by calling the school, +84 28 54130901 ext. 31140. Questions concerning the new tuition and fees should be directed to myself, or to the Associate Head of School for Finance and Operations, Ms. Wai Mun Fong.

    We appreciate the partnership we have with our parents and look forward to providing the best experiences for your children.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School