October 7 & 8: WASC Mid-Cycle Visit: Parent Meeting


    SSIS is accredited by WASC, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

    On October 5 – 8, a small WASC team will visit our school for a mid-cycle visit. As a part of that visit, the WASC team would like to meet with a group of parents on Monday, October 7, from 8:00 – 9:00 am.

    If you are interested in attending, please fill out this Google Form by Thursday, September 26 at 2 pm.

    What Happens During the WASC Parent Meeting?

    Parents will participate in a one-hour session, where they will be asked to share their opinions and reflections on how SSIS is living up to the recommendations made in the comprehensive WASC report from the last visit.

    What is the WASC Report?

    Every six years, SSIS conducts a self-reflection on our programs, procedure, and policies, to submit to the WASC commission. The commission ensures that accredited institutions hold the highest quality of standards and effectiveness, in developing and sustaining educational programs.

    After SSIS submits the self-reflection, a team of international educators follows up with a visit to our school where they validate our findings and acknowledge our accomplishments. Also, they make recommendations for future growth.

    What is the WASC Mid-Cycle Visit?

    Half-way through the six-year cycle, the school reports on the progress made towards the recommendations for growth and hosts a mid-cycle visit for a two-member WASC team.  

    During the mid-cycle visit, the WASC team meets with all stakeholders (faculty, students, and parents), to gather feedback and opinions on how they think SSIS is doing, and how the stakeholders feel that SSIS is meeting the WASC committee’s recommendations.

    WASC Report Out to Community

    At the end of the visit, the WASC team reports out the results of their findings and the feedback they have collected during the mid-cycle visit.

    The WASC Report Out will take place on Tuesday, October 8, at 3:15 pm in the Auditorium. All stakeholders (parents, students, and faculty) are invited to attend.

    WHAT: WASC Parent Meeting
    WHEN: October 7, 8:00 – 9:00 AM
    WHERE: PTA Room
    WHO: Parents (Please register your interest to attend, here)

    WHAT: WASC Report Out to Community
    WHEN: October 8, 3:15 PM
    WHERE: Auditorium
    WHO: All Stakeholders (Parents, Students, and Faculty)