[Resources] Follow-Up: G9 – 11, Understanding HS Academic Pathways – AP, IB and SSIS


Dear Parents of High School Students,

We had a wonderful turnout for our presentation about the HS Academic Pathways on Tuesday, November 30. You can now review all of the information we presented, in this recording of our session: Introductory IB/AP Presentation. In addition, I have included three other resources that can be helpful in developing a deep understanding of the options available to high school students at SSIS. 

AP at SSIS Brochure

IBDP at SSIS Brochure 

FAQ: AP, IB, and SSIS Curriculum Options 

In the weeks to come and before course selection in February 2022, students and parents will have more opportunities to explore these opportunities and determine their best fit. The timeline for course selection is as follows:


  • Program of Studies 2022-2023 is published
  • Jan 26: Course selection grade level assemblies with students 


  • Feb 9: Course Selection Fair
  • Feb 7-18: One-on-one advising of students by counselors and the IB Diploma Programme Coordinator for full DP candidate students
  • Feb 21-25: Course selections entered in PowerSchool

I look forward to supporting our students through the course selection process in preparation for the 2022-2023 school year. Our goal is for our students to feel comfortable and confident in the decisions they make about their courses for next school year.

All my very best,

Ms. Jennifer Mendes

High School Principal