On-Campus Learning Expectations and Attendance Requirements


Dear Parents of HS Students,

After a month of being on campus, I am delighted to share that students are happy and engaged and taking full advantage of the benefits that in-person learning provides. 

As such, I want to take this opportunity to emphasize the strong correlation between attendance, engagement, and achievement. When in-person learning is offered, it has the clearest benefits to your child’s academic and social-emotional development and success.

As a reminder, our Virtual School program is intended for when students are prevented from attending school on campus, either by COVID-19 (themselves affected or living with someone who is an F0) or government regulations.

All other students who are in HCMC and physically healthy are expected to attend classes on campus. Our attendance policy can be reviewed in our HS Handbook on pages 46-47. 

In addition, I want to reassure you that we are following the government-issued 5K measures very seriously, and taking every precaution to maintain our students’ and teachers’ continued health and well-being while on campus.

Thank you for your support in ensuring that your child makes the most of their educational opportunities at SSIS. I welcome you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  

All my very best,


Ms. Jennifer Mendes
High School Principal