Important: New Directives and Impact on SSIS Health Protocols


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    SSIS is committed to providing the highest quality learning experiences on campus under the safest conditions available. We are monitoring the guidelines closely and continue to work to ensure that we can keep as many students learning in person as possible.

    On Tuesday, we shared Directive #796/BYT-MT (English / Vietnamese) and Directive #11042/BYT-DP (English / Vietnamese), which outlines new guidelines as well as changes in F1 designation. Yesterday, further information and clarification came from the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City in Directive #548/UBND-VX (English / Vietnamese).

    New Guidelines at SSIS Starting February 24

    Based on these changes, new guidelines will be implemented at SSIS beginning today, Thursday, February 24.

    There are 3 significant changes to be aware of in recent directives: who is considered a close contact (F1), quarantine for F1s and F0s, and the length of quarantine. 

    NEW: Who is a Considered a Close Contact (F1) 

    Any of the following are now defined as close contacts: 

    • Someone who has any direct physical contact with an F0, i.e., an identified case.
    • People who are within 2 meters (or the same close and narrow space) for 15 minutes or more with an F0, even if wearing masks, for example, on the bus. 
    • People who are not wearing masks and have been within 2 meters  (or the same close and narrow space) with an F0 regardless of the length of time.

    The new definition means that we identify the close contacts of the F0. It no longer means that the entire class must quarantine (except for EC and K). 

    F1 in Grades 1 – 12

    Students designated as close contacts (F1) are required to follow the guidance in the table below.

    Action If F1 is Fully Vaccinated* If F1 is Unvaccinated 
    Rapid antigen test  Day 1

    (by SSIS nurses’ office if students are on campus OR (if at the end of the school day, complete at home)

    Day 1

    (by SSIS nurses’ office if students are on campus OR (if it at the end of the school  day, complete at home)

    Home quarantine 5 days from confirmed positive result for F0 7 days from confirmed positive result for F0
    RT-PCR or rapid antigen test (under supervision by a medical professional) Day 5

    Upload negative test result to this form.

    Day 7

    Upload negative test result to this form.

    Return to campus (if negative) Day 6  Day 8  
    5K Protocols To be followed strictly To be followed strictly
    Monitor Health For  5 days after returning to campus For 3  days after returning to campus

    F1 in EC & Kindergarten

    When an F0 is confirmed in an EC or Kindergarten class, all students in the class are considered a close contact (F1). 

    • All students must do a 7-day home quarantine.
    1. On Day 7, all students must take an RT-PCR or rapid antigen test under medical supervision. 
    2. If the Day 7 test is negative, students can return to on-campus learning on Day 8. 
    3. The student’s health must be monitored by parents closely for an additional 3 days and 5K protocols must be followed strictly. 

    Facilitating COVID- Return to Campus Test at SSIS Pavilion 

    From Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 10:00 am we will provide a safe and stress-free environment at the new SSIS Pavilion behind the school store, to facilitate the government-mandated test required to return to campus. You may bring your own self-test or purchase one on-site. 

    Uploading Required Documentation Before Returning to Campus

    At the end of the quarantine period, and before returning to campus, students must upload one of the following to the documentation form

    • Certificate of COVID Recovery
    • Certificate of Quarantine Completion
    • Report of the PCR test result or the report of Rapid Antigen Testing.

    Below you can see how to upload an image or document to the form from your phone.

    Please note that our ICT department is currently working on a solution to enable uploads through the SSIS Health App to simplify the process for our parents. We will notify you when that feature is available.

    Length of Quarantine for F0

    • If F0 is fully vaccinated – 7-day quarantine. Take a Covid test under medical supervision on Day 7. If negative, upload the test result certificate. The student may return to learning on campus on Day 8. If the test is positive, then your child must quarantine for 3 more days and take a Covid test on day 10. 
    • If F0 is not fully vaccinated – 14-day quarantine. Take a Covid test under medical supervision on Day 14. Upload the test result certificate, and return to campus. 

    Length of Quarantine for F1*

    • If F1 is fully vaccinated – 5-day quarantine. Take a Covid test under medical supervision on Day 5. If negative, upload the test result certificate, return to campus on Day 6, and continue monitoring for 5 days.
    • If F1 is not fully vaccinated – 7-day quarantine. Take a Covid test under medical supervision on Day 7. If negative, upload the test result certificate, return to campus on Day 8, and continue monitoring for 3 days.

    *Please note, that although F1s are now required to quarantine the definition of an F1, as outlined in “Who Is Considered An F1,” has changed.

    If an MS/HS Student Tests Positive (F0) on Campus*

    Please note that if a student in MS or HS is exhibiting symptoms at school, they will be tested by our Health Office. If their rapid test is positive, they:

    • Are sent home
    • Should follow the guidance of the SSIS Health Office

    *Students in EC – G5 are not tested by the SSIS Health Office. If they are exhibiting symptoms, the Health Office will contact their parents.

    F0 – Before Returning to Campus

    Before an F0 student is allowed to return to campus they must:

    • Submit the Certificate of COVID Recovery OR Certificate of Quarantine Completion OR report of the PCR test result at the end of the quarantine period.
    • The documentation should be uploaded to this form.

    We are committed to providing your children with the safest in-person learning environment possible and a high-quality program. And we are equally committed to providing our community with timely and accurate updates.

    We understand that this is a lot of new information and appreciate your patience and cooperation in ensuring that our community meets, and follows,  government requirements as they are updated. It is imperative for the health and safety of our community. 

    All good wishes,


    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School