Preparations for Next School Year


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    With just a few short weeks left of school, we’d like to share some important information about the exciting things you can look forward to next school year.

    Last Friday, you received an email from your divisional principal introducing the new hires for next year. We are proud of their impressive qualifications and experience as educators and excited about the many ways that they will contribute to our community. As we continue to expand the programs and opportunities for the benefit of your children, their expertise will be a great asset to our school.

    Another exciting development is the preparations for facility improvements underway this summer. As soon as school is out, certain areas of the campus will be cordoned off as we start the pre-construction work for the new middle school and STEAM/Design center. We couldn’t be more excited to recommence this project.

    In its initial phase, which we have planned during the summer to minimize any disruption to your children’s learning, the construction work will render our campus inaccessible to students. As a result, we will unfortunately not be able to run summer school this year. However, in the next few weeks, our Teaching and Learning Office will share a list of external resources providing summer learning opportunities that parents may want to consider.

    Whether hiring the most qualified and experienced educators or developing the best teaching and learning facilities, each investment we make is a direct investment in your child. This year, as outlined in the re-enrollment and tuition schedule for 2022-2023, sent on Friday, we have made an adjustment to our fee schedule. This ensures that we can continue offering your the broadest range of choices and excellent teaching and learning experiences for your child.

    We are very grateful to you for entrusting us with the care and education of your children. It is an honor that we take very seriously, and we will continue to provide them with the opportunities they will need to lead purposeful lives as global citizens.
    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School